League of Legends - IMO LOL

Amumu - Let's Be Friends Forever!

The most depressed little mummy around has come to honor my page as Champion of the Week! I've been playing Amumu for quite awhile on League and I seriously think he's one of the most under-played and under-appreciated character that LoL has. Sure he was banned forever on Ranked plays but not really anymore. It's as if everyone has forgotten why they banned him to begin with!

My daughter loves Amumu and at a young age, cutely referred to him as mumu and that if he needed friends so bad she would be his friend! She was extremely sad at his constant crying and pleading for hugs. 

But really Amumu's sadness is to his advantage. Clearly. 

Why pick Amumu? Here is one very clear reason that I will explain after this image.

Ok see that increasingly ridiculous AP ratio bar? Yea...I see it to. You'd have to be blind not to.
So that bar means that when you build him AP - all his abilities scale very heavily off of him. Notice under his attritbutes that he is classified as a melee, tank. Again, why is this important? Because all he has to do is build AP/Tank. With his natural tankiness and his propensity for AP - his damage will be through the roof while his survivability will be high. 

I can simplify - Build AP and tank and you will crush things and live while doing it.
I liked it the first way better. Psh noobs. 

So how to play him? What are his abilities (in easy terms) What items should be build?
Well guys, that's why I'm here - to save your lives.

Passive (Just another thing that makes Amumu so OP) - His basic attacks reduces the MR (magic resist) of the target for 3 seconds but it keeps refreshing every time he hits them again. This in conjunction with his high AP ratios help to slowly tear down the target.

Q - This is a bandage toss that has a very small timer on it. What I mean by this is that it's a quicker action than let's say Thresh's pull. Meaning that you can anticipate that it will hit the target much faster. The cooldown is not too long and nothing a CD ability won't fix. ;P

W - Mumu has a special power. He can cry tears from hell. No joke. This is a percentage based ability, mean every second of this attack and the target loses a percentage of his/her health. This is straight up cheating! Lol. (pun intended).

E - Like any emo kid, this one in particular through some pretty crazy tantrums. His E being one of them. This ability has both a passive and and active. The passive reduces the amount of physical damage that he takes. The action being and magic damage attack that hits the target. The cooldown of this ability is reduced every time Amumu is auto-attacked. Again...why don't more people play this emo bastard?

R - Easily one of the best ults in the game. It's a huge AOE that immobilizes all surround targets for 2 sec which is a LONG time in league terms. There is no increased time period for that ult as you level it, only increased damage. I can't tell you how many times I have secured kills for others using this move. You can easily catch all five enemy players if they group. 

Next question. What to build? This is easily one of the most important questions to ask for any champion but especially Amumu. You want to keep the tank aspect of him (at least I enjoy that part) while also furthering his AP damage abilities. 

Remember that these are just friendly suggestions and my opinion. My build suggestions are in now way what you should do every time for every game. There are many situational abilities that have a time and a place to be used.

AD Heavy Teams I choose

Sunfire Cape  - This gives a decent amount of health and armor while also adding a passive AOE damage ability that is great with Amumu tears.

Iceborn Gauntlet - This gives armor, AP, CD reduction, and a unique passive. A lot of people don't like to build this item but I love it. 

AP Heavy Teams

Spirit Visage - You get health, MR, Health Regen, and CD. Passive increases self-healing and spell vamp. This item is great with a Will of the Ancients if you want to go that way.

Abyssal Scepter - AP plus MR. This piece is always good if you want both. Aura also reduces MR of nearby enemies. Seeing a theme with these items and how they fit so well with Amumu?

Items to Consider

Liandry's Torment - Health, AP, Magic Pen, and a burning damage passive.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Large amount of both AP and health. Passive slows targets.

I try to pick items that include health, AP, and resistances. Many other people build Amumu differently and that's ok. With these items however, I've had the most amount of success with this emo kid.

Item info and their images were captured from 

Honestly I feel bad for Amumu. He's so sad :(

I truly love Amumu and the versatility and usefulness he brings to the team. Have a group of heavy AP, he's got Magic Reduction for enemy team. 

Need enemies to just keep running for a second? Amumu's got you! With a bandage toss or a very well timed ultimate he can gather kills for his teammates very quickly.

He tanks up enemies and if they are dumb enough to focus him, applies percentage damage to each target that he hits with his tears. With as much damage as he does while sad, I wouldn't suggest anti-depressants. What's he gonna do then? Smile at them to death?! I think not.

But you kind of have to admit it. He brings it upon himself.

Captain Teemo on Duty
Teemo. How cute, you say. He's so little and furry, you comment. Oh what a cute little yordle, you exclaim. I just want to hug - AHHHH IT HURTS!!! I'M DYING!!! OMG!!!
Yep, that's an encounter with Teemo alright. He is a beast and constantly underestimated. I don't see him played too often but out of a hundred and something champs that's  not irregular to not see many champs played. It's also the luck of the draw as well. Sure there are more popular champs but you're only going to see who you go up against. And you might see different champions played based on what rank you are - bronze, silver, gold, etc. Though I'm not actually sure about that. So what exactly am I sure about today?
That Teemo is a boss! I love teemo, he has been one of my all time favorite characters. He can play any lane except jungle...no he really can't play jungle.
PROS - Teemo has excellent vision. Yes this usually starts at lvl 6 because you can start shrooming up the whole world. But he can sit in the bush as support and disappear, leaving you able to see that portion of the map without being in danger. Careful of vision wards though.
He has a speed up - allowing you to get away, move in for that Q, or gap close for a kill.
He is amazing as a support. Seriously, everyone always gives me crap for playing him support until I do. He AP ratio is good enough that you can slack on building AP quickly, allowing him to do good damage as a support without necessarily having the items. He doesn't HAVE to kill the minions with his poison. As a support against the AD carry he can blind, allowing his own ADC to have uninterrupted time to go ham against the other carry. It's perfect.
His shrooms. They are constantly underestimated until someone steps on one. They slow, allowing easy kills. Plus once Teemo actually HAS some AP...you're dead. Get away with that fight with 20 health...teemo shroom. In their jungle stealing blue? Shroom. Dead give away. The best moments are when you get the kill when you aren't even around or trying.

Yep. Teemo makes it really easy to be a BAMF.
You might be asking about Teemo's cons. And that my lovelies is a valid point but one I HATE to dwell on. Harpies. All of you.

CONS - He's really freaking squishy. Like a goshdamn plushie. Or worse, like a moldy tomato. No really, you think I'm just being silly but LOL always provides a drawback. Nidalee and her OP spears? It's ok because their hit box is really really small. Xerath and his ridiculous range? That's ok, bumrush him, making his stun fairly useless. I've always liked LOL for putting in what I refer to as a "Oh crap" clause. So Teemo's is fairly simple. Unless you build him bulky...which takes away from building him mostly damage, then you're going to get hit. And hit hard. Unless it's an ADC in which you can Q to blind then W to run away really fast. Honestly, if you get fed, you can take on most champs 1v1. Last night I kept owning a Darius until he figured out that he could just ult me to death. Jerk.

His shrooms disappear. Yep, it happens. Once you level it up though, they are usually there to stay unless they get hit. Shrooms - take WAY too much mana to put down at beginning levels in my opinion though I understand...that's one of his clauses to not be too OP (over powered you non gaming nerds).

This is just a personal Con. I hate it when I go into a part of their jungle or a part of our river, etc and really shroom it up. I mean, the map looks like a drug cartel. Then we have a team fight and they all get walked over but no one dies. Rarely happens...but it can. Makes me angry because now, I have no shrooms. Sigh. First world problems.

I bet you want a chance to look at Teemo's amazing over powering move list right? I know. I'm always right.

 Check this out! ^^^^^^

I personally love lolking. I think it gives great ideas on what all the top ranking players are using but it also allows you to look and see what the champ does before you use them. It also allows you to see the stats if that interests you. Me? Bores to tears.

So Finally my favorite part. What to Build????? This is the age old question on every champ. I want to take a minute to explain to you guys why this is just my opinion. Why even lolkings is JUST an opinion. LOL has it's moments. Sometimes the game is SICK! ...Mostly when you're winning. And sometimes it plain sucks - yep when you're losing. But the coolest thing they have added into this game is versatility. The amount of champions x the amount of items x the amount of abilities x players choice = FREAKING INFINITY! Well, probably not but I'm bad with math so we'll go with infinity.

So the important thing to realize is - a lot of items are situational. Am I going to build an

Iceborn Gauntlet - Gives Armor, AP, CD, Mana

if I'm playing Leona against of team of all AP. HECK NO! Why? Because it gives armor. I'll be building tank MR (magic resist) items.
So, normally in Teemo I like to build

Liandry's Torment - Gives AP, health, MP, and a percentage DOT (damage over time) effect. First of all, percentage damage in this game is way too over powered. Secondly, imagine me, Teemo with my shrooms that now have more MP and AP, I have more survivability given my health, and now I have a percentage DOT. For Teemo and most other AP's this is an amazing item.

Nashor's Tooth - Teemo is helped a lot when his attack speed goes up. So this item does that plus AP. It has CD plus a bonus magic damage when you deal basic attacks. Besides his Q, all Teemo will do is basic attack you. See why I like this item?
If I HAVE to put a Rabadon's Deathcap down...you're halfway too stupid to read.
Carrying on

Lich Bane is great.
Situational items against AP include

Abyssal Scepter and

Athene's Unholy Grail
Remember this IS a cool down hit cap so make sure you don't go over 40% or you're just hurting yourself.
Against an AD team

Zhonya's Hourglass
There is plenty of different items that suit Teemo really well. Some don't. It's about playing him to your advantage. If people are stepping on your shrooms all the time? Go high AP, plus those items that "burn" the target longer like a Morellonomicon.
Play with what is comfortable for you.
Finally. Love Teemo. He is a great fantastic Champ with a lot of versatility and usefulness. You can hold your own against fed ADC's, tanky brawlers, and even go head to head with some mid laners.
"Armed and Ready"

Yeah Yeah, you read that right! My next "IMO LOL" Segment comes the elusive, the graceful, the extremely hot in a really weird because she's a spider way - ELISE! Now, this character is not played all that much at least not in the ranked games I've been playing nor in the regular games. I'm still not exactly sure why as she is surprisingly OP. My only conclusion could be because she has two sets of moves and besides Lee Sin, characters with two sets of moves aren't hardly played.
For Example - Jayce (never played) Udyr (I might eat my words cuz he's played so-so) Shyvana (never played) Nidalee (even though she can snipe a...person) Quinn (only seen her in ARAMS lately)
Ok ok you get the point right? I'm sure I haven't listed them all nor have I got into characters with one skill change like Jinx's Q. But I think you understand what I'm getting at. I considered these champions the opposite of faceroll. Why? Because you have to memorize 8 moves instead of 4, because they all do something different. ESPECIALLY ELISE!
Now let's get a good look at Spider Chick herself.
Now she has a variety of skins... actually I think she only has one other one. OH just kidding two. But one is the victorious Elise and I'm not entirely sure how you get that. Being good?
So I'll just show her other regular skin.   Death Blossom Elise
I don't really have any sort of preference for the skin...though now that I'm playing her more I may get her other one. Who knows bro?
Ok on to WHY Elise is such a BAMF
Reason 1. My husband is deathly afraid of spiders. I play her out of spite.
Reason 2. She's hot.
Reason 3. She can be a top laner which is usually against tanky brawler types i.e. shen, darius, malphite, nasus, riven.
Reason 3.1 She is tanky brawler types COUNTER! Just the other day I beat a Shen! Yep, to be fair he had no ult anymore but still. I kicked his ass. How you ask? I'll get to it soon.
Reason 4. No mana? No problem! If you run out of mana you conveniently find yourself now a complete huge ass spider who doesn't need mana and relies off cool down timers.
Reason 5. In Spider form you have little baby spider minions to help you fight. Yep, creepy but awesome.
Reason 6. She's hot.
Reason 7. She has amazing cc and escape. If you can land her Cacoon you have a convient gap closer or an opportunity to run away. If you change into spider form and Rappel then you have another gap closer or a way to buy time or save yourself from a variety of enemy barrage.
Reason 8. Yes I said barrage. What can Rappel save her from? Caitlyn's ult! Any number of other CC I don't want to get into.
Reason 9. I don't have any more reasons I just didn't want to end on 8.
PassiveSpider Swarm
(Innate) Elise's Human Form spells will ready a Spiderling upon hitting an enemy. When Elise transforms, she summons Spiderlings to attack nearby foes.

QNeurotoxin / Venomous Bite

(Human Form Active) Deals magic damage based on the target's current health.
Cost: 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100 mana
Range: 625
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Bonus Damage: (8% of target's current Health) (3% per 100 Ability Power)
Base Magic Damage: 40 / 80 / 120 / 160 / 200
Maximum Damage To Monsters: 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300
(Spider Form Active) Deals bonus damage based on how low the target's health is.
Range: 475
Cooldown: 6 seconds
Bonus Damage: (8% of target's current Health) (3% per 100 Ability Power)
Base Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260
Maximum Damage To Monsters: 60 / 120 / 180 / 240 / 300

WVolatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy

(Human Form Active) Summons a venom-gorged Spiderling that moves to target location and explodes, dealing magic damage when it nears an enemy or after 3 seconds.
Range: 950
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Cost: 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 mana
Magic Damage: 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275
(+0.8 per Ability Power)
(Spider Form Passive) Spiderlings gain bonus attack speed.
(Spider Form Active) Elise and her Spiderlings gain attack speed and heal Elise on each attack.
Heal: 4 health per attack (+0.04 per Ability Power)
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Attack Speed: 60 / 80 / 100 / 120 / 140%
Passive Spiderling Attack Speed: 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 / 25%

ECocoon / Rappel

(Human Form Active) Stuns and reveals the first enemy it hits for 1.5 seconds.
Cost: 50
Range: 1075
Projectile Speed: 1,450
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds
(Spider Form Active) Elise lifts herself high into the air and descends upon an enemy target.
Range: 1075
Cooldown: 26 / 24 / 22 / 20 / 18 seconds

RSpider Form
(Active) Elise transforms into a menacing spider, granting access to arachnid abilities and summoning her Spiderlings. Spider Form deals bonus magic damage per attack and grants bonus movement speed.
Cost: No Cost
Cooldown: 4 seconds
Movement Speed: 10
Spiderling Reduced Damage(From AoE): 25%
Bonus Magic Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
(+0.3 per Ability Power)
Spiderling Base Damage: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40
(+0.1 per Ability Power)
Spiderling Armor: 30 / 50 / 70 / 90
Spiderling Magic Resist: 50 / 70 / 90 / 110
Maximum Spiderlings: 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Now that you understand why Elise is innately awesome let's go into how to build her. Or rather, how I build her.
She has completely crap AP ratio. Why? I think it's because she does percentage damage plus bonus magic damage. They don't want to let her just build AP then completely crush so they put limitations on it. SO I build more items that help to further her percentage damage.
Now this is not a complete failsafe guide on how to build. I do not add runes or masteries because I believe that's more preference than anything. There are also other items that you can build based on what their team comp is like.
But I like to build

Liandry's Torment
This is one of my first builds. Why? Because it has a small damage over time effect, it has magic pen to channel your ability power, it gives AP AND health. It is an over-all good item

Rod of Ages
Again, this is a great item. This gives health, AP, and mana. Frankly Elise is a mana whore with her spider bust move and her Q. This gives a little help.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Do you see a pattern yet? This is a high AP item and can be a little expensive but it also gives a good chunk of health. This is also extremely useful because it slows the target allowing you to use those gap closing moves even more efficiently.
Of course get a Rabadons. and consider a Zonya's and a Lich Bane. Those are dependent on laning as well.
This is a great website if you want to look over items before you play to get an idea of how they are used and which champions they are best for.
Finally after all of this amazing information you're going to play Elise right? Hopefully :D. Now from what I've read, she can be a decent mid laner and she is a fast jungler. I have yet to jungle or mid her but I don't think it will be too long before I do. I think she is an amazing top laner and has surprising assets to help her team and sustain in lane.
Now you must be thinking, "If I am against an Elise...how will I ever win?" Well I have an answer for that two. Because I'm godlike. < Give love if you get the reference.

Now, if you've ever played Lux then you know all about her. Besides her being a hot blonde she has one hell of an attitude with her magic play.

There are a myriad of characters to play on LOL...I mean a hundred and ...well go count them! Ha! Anyway, there are a bunch of characters to play but for the most part you will see the same characters played throughout every match, especially ranked matches. Ranked matches are someone special and close to my heart. By that I mean, every time I lose I want to pull my heart out of my chest and crush it so I stop feeling the pain of defeat. I'm told this will kill me, so I don't.

Now why do I mention Lux and ranked in the same blog? Because for all of my promotion matches I've chosen to go with Lux. What are promotion matches you ask? Why good sir I will tell you. Promotion matches are the ten matches you do to see where you place in the Ranked League. You play against all kinds of people all over the world to see if you are going to be placed in bronze, silver, or gold. I was in bronze last year...the whole year. Couldn't get out. I hated it. NO more BRONZE! I will get silver this year if it kills me.

Well....just finished my placement matches. 7 wins 3 losses all with Lux. Bastards put me in Bronze 1. I think I just might cry. It's possible. Sigh...anyway. All of these with Lux. Why Lux?

Well that question is very simple to me. Lux is one of the best mids because of her range, her CC, her ult, and finally her movement.

This is the big bad...lady here. In all her luminescent glory! I love Lux...I really do. Half of my games with her are more than fantastic. The only problem...you have to be able to land her stuff. When you're hit and miss like me, landing could be a real issue. But not when you have a super mega amazing skin that makes you hit everything you land!
Woot! Steele Legion Lux! Ok I was kidding about the part where you land everything...that never happens. Haha.

Her Q is a long range bind, her W is a shield...(shields are OP in lol), and her E is a casted aoe in a small circle. Her ult (R) is a laser of death that you shoot in any direction. Very easy to miss, imo.
Finally her her passive enables her to autoattack you for extra damage after she hits you with one of her abilities. This is awesome, especially paired with Lich Bane...but it can also be tough because you're pretty far out there usually because her abilities go so far, hence, proper movement. With her trap she can easily get away from dangerous situations and her AOE slows! If you can't get away from those, the nifty shield absorbs some of your damage.

Her long cool downs and high mana abilities can be a problem. I suggest getting items that help with both of those. Blue every chance you get is also helpful.

Now go forth and Lux it up! Here is a nice parting Meme for ya!


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