Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The League of the Legends - Lux is the Queen of them All

Now, if you've ever played Lux then you know all about her. Besides her being a hot blonde she has one hell of an attitude with her magic play.

There are a myriad of characters to play on LOL...I mean a hundred and ...well go count them! Ha! Anyway, there are a bunch of characters to play but for the most part you will see the same characters played throughout every match, especially ranked matches. Ranked matches are someone special and close to my heart. By that I mean, every time I lose I want to pull my heart out of my chest and crush it so I stop feeling the pain of defeat. I'm told this will kill me, so I don't.

Now why do I mention Lux and ranked in the same blog? Because for all of my promotion matches I've chosen to go with Lux. What are promotion matches you ask? Why good sir I will tell you. Promotion matches are the ten matches you do to see where you place in the Ranked League. You play against all kinds of people all over the world to see if you are going to be placed in bronze, silver, or gold. I was in bronze last year...the whole year. Couldn't get out. I hated it. NO more BRONZE! I will get silver this year if it kills me.

Well....just finished my placement matches. 7 wins 3 losses all with Lux. Bastards put me in Bronze 1. I think I just might cry. It's possible. Sigh...anyway. All of these with Lux. Why Lux?

Well that question is very simple to me. Lux is one of the best mids because of her range, her CC, her ult, and finally her movement.

This is the big bad...lady here. In all her luminescent glory! I love Lux...I really do. Half of my games with her are more than fantastic. The only problem...you have to be able to land her stuff. When you're hit and miss like me, landing could be a real issue. But not when you have a super mega amazing skin that makes you hit everything you land!
Woot! Steele Legion Lux! Ok I was kidding about the part where you land everything...that never happens. Haha.

Her Q is a long range bind, her W is a shield...(shields are OP in lol), and her E is a casted aoe in a small circle. Her ult (R) is a laser of death that you shoot in any direction. Very easy to miss, imo.
Finally her her passive enables her to autoattack you for extra damage after she hits you with one of her abilities. This is awesome, especially paired with Lich Bane...but it can also be tough because you're pretty far out there usually because her abilities go so far, hence, proper movement. With her trap she can easily get away from dangerous situations and her AOE slows! If you can't get away from those, the nifty shield absorbs some of your damage.

Her long cool downs and high mana abilities can be a problem. I suggest getting items that help with both of those. Blue every chance you get is also helpful.

Now go forth and Lux it up! Here is a nice parting Meme for ya!


Monday, January 13, 2014

Useless WoW Achievements

Useless World of Warcraft achievements you say? Winner of these you ask? Why that would be me! Do I get an award? NO? A title? NO? A battle pet? NO? Then what the hell do I get?????
Achievement points that are useless you mentioned? DONE!
So as you see, I have a soft spot for useless wow achievements. Now to be fair this all started with the desire to have the "Salty" title. Which would mean that I started out on a mission to get a non-useless wow achievement.
Here is said achievement.


Sorry but I had to make it that big to see it. Now...Some of these were easy and to be honest I had most of them. Master Angler, one that didn't get away, 1000 fish, etc.
Some...I did not have. So I started with Outland and Northrend Angler. Did it stop there? Of course not.

Now I'm going to cut into the story a bit, because as I was going a bit nuts I did do some of these achievements first. I spent about an hour fishing up Mr. Pinchy's Magical freaking box which I wanted to punch in the face when it waited for THREE whole WISHES before it gave me Mr. Pinchy. Secondly, I also did the Coin Master in the interim. Which wasn't that bad...until the end. The Coin Master can kiss my...anyway.

I fished up all the coppers fairly quickly. I fished up all but one silver and two gold coins within the first half hour. Guess what happened then? IT TOOK ANOTHER HOUR TO FISH UP THREE STUPID COINS!!! Yep...that's what happened. See what I mean about useless endeavors?! Or really sadistic WoW gods?

Anyway, now comes the fun part. Along the way in doing the Outland and Northrend Anglers I decide to do the Oceanographer and the Limnologist. I know...I'm an idiot.


OK so even at extra large for the Oceanographer you can't see what kinds of fish that need to be caught but you CAN see all the green lines right....yea..
For the limnologist you just get a number 42. Forty-two different kinds of fish need to be caught. Now...neither of these lists overlap as one is freshwater fish and the other is saltwater. Do I even need to remind you at this point that I'm completely and hopelessly nuts?

Well guess who did both. Yep. That's me. No I don't have the pics to confirm as I'm not on  my home computer. The one that has the virus called Wow. But I guess I can link later if people question my crazy actions to get useless wow achievements.

To finish... have I actually done the Accomplished Angler...no not yet. I still need Old Man Barllowed and the Lurker one. SO to Serpentshrine Cavern here I come. Then I will have it done. My goal is to do all the fishing achievements. Will I? probably not as I lose interest in things very quickly.

However, the Accomplished Angler achievement is not useless as I will gain the Salty title. If only my name was funny in conjunction with that like Water or Fries. But alas it's not. Eh whatevs. Feel free to share you're useless achievements or link any you want me to get and I'll blog about it.

The more crazy I feel doing it, the better the suggestion :D!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rose Apple Tarts for the Criminaly Insane

Yes you read that correctly. If you are freaking nuts then you want to make this ...tart? Apple confection? Rose structure? However you want to try to work it out in your brain, you are bat ...crazy for making this. Or like me, you love a challenge!

Click the link under the picture and it gives directions on how to make this. Now I am sorry for my lack of photos, but I hadn't thought of this blog when I was making it so the only pictures I have are the outcome, which you will see once you read all this crap.

Now for the first part of it...you slice a crap ton of apples. The easiest way to do this is by using a mandala. I borrowed one from the in-laws, a nice one. With the one I used...I actually think that anyone that cuts themselves using a mandala must be an idiot. Sorry if I offend 99% of everyone who reads my blog, but come on. Just make sure your fingers...um AREN'T in it before you slide it. Seemed simple. Ten apples and completely non sliced fingers later I got to making the goo as I call it. Pretty much the mixture the apples will be in. When you first do this, taste an apple. O MY GOODNESS! Heaven in your mouth, I swear. The crispness of the apples plus the sugar, etc., is amazing. Then you think you can start curling your apple pieces because they are as thin as they come.

This is the point when you realize you're wrong. Just saying. You need to microwave just like the recipe suggests. Only for about 20-30 seconds, anymore and you've just ruined all your wonderful thinly sliced apples. At this point you cannot just curl the first portion with your fingers and set it down. It will unravel. Let me repeat that. No screw that, you can read. Anyway, you need to do the first couple of rows while you hold it in your hands in place. This is only slightly tricky. Really, sounds harder than it is. When you have a rose bud you can set it down and it should stay put. Then you just set down apple slices around it in varying sides, making a rose. It is very easy...not. 

It started kind of easy until you realize that even after microwaving...some apple slices will not cooperate. You then realize that you are going incredibly slowly. While you are taking your time you notice that some of your apples are falling apart. What the heck? Yep...that's right. If those apples stay together too long without you using them, they start to fall apart. Don't ask me why, I have no earthly idea. I'm sure someone could tell you. But that's not me. So you actually can't take your time, unless you intend on wasting a fourth of your apples, which I actually did. I also ended up eating a bunch of the ruined pieces. I no longer like apples. I kid you not. Don't do eat them, you will stop liking apples too. I'm actually  hoping the not liking apple thing will go away...but so far, three months later, it hasn't. 

So after you make your roses in your prospective pans, you drizzle with sugar, brown sugar, and spices and stick in your oven. This is fairly easy and as long as you watch, you'll know by the color when it's done. Just trust me on that. 

This is what it came out like for me - two separate pie pans, way too many freaking roses.  



Ok So it turns out that presentation is ACTUALLY important. If I ever did this again and managed not to kill myself in the process, I would buy a pretty pan like the original poster did. I would also not buy store ready made crust that doesn't bend to my will. But all in all, look that those roses! What damn fine roses if I say so myself. Took hours. Hours. Days. Years. Took forever. 
But ... it look so pretty! And it was amazing. Tasted like apple pie well except better, since I made it. 

So moral of the story. This (if you actually make it well) will blow away your relatives. No one wanted to eat it because it looked so pretty, but when they did it was gone in a second. I'd give it a 4 out of 5 on the directions. A four because she said it was easy. Boo!
I give it a 5 out 5 on taste. Nothing can go wrong with that amount of sugar. 
I give mine a 2 out of 5 on presentation. Yes, yes roses are gorgeous but that's it. 
Finally on a lifetime scale of me making it again...I give it a 2% chance. Maybe when I'm fifty.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My Take on a Jamaican Hat...Politcally Correct? I think not...

(Picture garnered from Google - crochetspot.com  )

Crochet Adventures!
The Tale of the Tenacious Topper 

To start off on the right foot I must warn you that I am not a master crochet person. I don't even know the correct word FOR a person that crochets. A crocheter? Anyway, so please don't look at what I've done as the right or wrong way to do things. Everything concerning my crocheting has been a learning process that I want to share.

Let's begin!

First of all, I got this nifty pattern from here - http://www.mooglyblog.com/all-grown-up-striped-slouch-hat/

This wonderful lady not only gives out free patterns, she also does teaching videos on how to accomplish parts of said patterns. For example - I believe round three had me starting something called Bpdc. At first I was like...wtf mate? Then I found her nifty video where she explains that BP means back post...I think ... and that dc is what is usually means - double crochet.

She also has a video on brim which is completely freaking useful as you can use a brim like that on almost anything and everything.

So to start I thought I'd show you my first attempt. Now realize this hat is not to everyone's liking. ESPECIALLY if you do it to the length that she wants. My husband liked it, so I made it. I also made one for my daughter. In the future for kids and small heads I won't be using as many rounds as it made it look more cone head like. Yea, I just referenced the Cone heads. However, the way it turned out isn't her fault, hers looks great. I think I just need to make a dozen more to perfect it. 

Ok I let my husband pick the colors so if you don't like them then blame him or pick different ones :D

I used two skeins of Caron Simply Soft. That's a medium yarn or a 4, either way. I also used the crochet needle that Moogly suggested. The official colors are Pumpkin and Autumn Maize which you can get for a great price AFTER Thanksgiving. 

 Pretty colors huh? And you thought they were going to be ugly. Rude.
Pretty soon I was on my way! I had Burn Notice on Netflix, a cup of hot tea, and my crochet needle was going clickity clack....
OK, it wasn't because it doesn't make sound but it made the scene. 


 I used somethign called a Magic Circle to begin with. Moogly teaches this in one of her videos. I in no way, came up with the Magic Circle. I was very proud that I got through the first couple of rounds with out fudging up.

Two days later, and about five Burn Notice's I decided to note my progress. You see that terrible line floating down the back of the hat? You do? What line? I have no idea what you're talking about...
On a serious note, people did ask why it was happening but I didn't really understand/bother to read most of Moogly's reply or I would probably have no line. I would have had to start over....

This brim...can go to hell and back. This was by far the WORST part of the hat. I watched four more Burn Notice's and a terrible movie called Paradise before I managed to finish it at 1:30 AM! FREAKING AM! It consumed me, I tell you. It called at me, ate away at my soul until I finished it. It was my fault really for allowing any sort of ginger color in my work. Ginger's have no soul after all.

Yes...I am aware this is the biggest "beanie" the history of the world. My husband also has the biggest head to fit said beanie. Now, it does flop perfectly in the back but while he is wearing it, I somehow think he grew dreadlocks and is stuffing them in there. I am constantly reminded that I should have just crocheted a bit tighter. There is a fine balance in this pattern. If you crochet normally (normal to me) it's too tight, if you crochet too loosely...it looks like it should be a thing to carry a baby in rather than a beanie. Go figure. 

Caron Simply Soft
Ocean (blue) & Orchid (light purple)

Second attempt for daughter's floppy Jamaican hat. Notice how it's pretty much just as long as the first? No you don't. 

So moral of the story...maybe I need some practice. I'm O.K. with that. I can get plenty from moogly's site and others I'll reference later on. Thanks for reading! If you have any questions don't hesitate!