Useless World of Warcraft achievements you say? Winner of these you ask? Why that would be me! Do I get an award? NO? A title? NO? A battle pet? NO? Then what the hell do I get?????
Achievement points that are useless you mentioned? DONE!
So as you see, I have a soft spot for useless wow achievements. Now to be fair this all started with the desire to have the "Salty" title. Which would mean that I started out on a mission to get a non-useless wow achievement.
Here is said achievement.
Sorry but I had to make it that big to see it. Now...Some of these were easy and to be honest I had most of them. Master Angler, one that didn't get away, 1000 fish, etc.
Some...I did not have. So I started with Outland and Northrend Angler. Did it stop there? Of course not.
Now I'm going to cut into the story a bit, because as I was going a bit nuts I did do some of these achievements first. I spent about an hour fishing up Mr. Pinchy's Magical freaking box which I wanted to punch in the face when it waited for THREE whole WISHES before it gave me Mr. Pinchy. Secondly, I also did the Coin Master in the interim. Which wasn't that bad...until the end. The Coin Master can kiss my...anyway.
I fished up all the coppers fairly quickly. I fished up all but one silver and two gold coins within the first half hour. Guess what happened then? IT TOOK ANOTHER HOUR TO FISH UP THREE STUPID COINS!!! Yep...that's what happened. See what I mean about useless endeavors?! Or really sadistic WoW gods?
Anyway, now comes the fun part. Along the way in doing the Outland and Northrend Anglers I decide to do the Oceanographer and the Limnologist. I know...I'm an idiot.
OK so even at extra large for the Oceanographer you can't see what kinds of fish that need to be caught but you CAN see all the green lines right....yea..
For the limnologist you just get a number 42. Forty-two different kinds of fish need to be caught. Now...neither of these lists overlap as one is freshwater fish and the other is saltwater. Do I even need to remind you at this point that I'm completely and hopelessly nuts?
Well guess who did both. Yep. That's me. No I don't have the pics to confirm as I'm not on my home computer. The one that has the virus called Wow. But I guess I can link later if people question my crazy actions to get useless wow achievements.
To finish... have I actually done the Accomplished not yet. I still need Old Man Barllowed and the Lurker one. SO to Serpentshrine Cavern here I come. Then I will have it done. My goal is to do all the fishing achievements. Will I? probably not as I lose interest in things very quickly.
However, the Accomplished Angler achievement is not useless as I will gain the Salty title. If only my name was funny in conjunction with that like Water or Fries. But alas it's not. Eh whatevs. Feel free to share you're useless achievements or link any you want me to get and I'll blog about it.
The more crazy I feel doing it, the better the suggestion :D!
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