Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The League of the Legends - Lux is the Queen of them All

Now, if you've ever played Lux then you know all about her. Besides her being a hot blonde she has one hell of an attitude with her magic play.

There are a myriad of characters to play on LOL...I mean a hundred and ...well go count them! Ha! Anyway, there are a bunch of characters to play but for the most part you will see the same characters played throughout every match, especially ranked matches. Ranked matches are someone special and close to my heart. By that I mean, every time I lose I want to pull my heart out of my chest and crush it so I stop feeling the pain of defeat. I'm told this will kill me, so I don't.

Now why do I mention Lux and ranked in the same blog? Because for all of my promotion matches I've chosen to go with Lux. What are promotion matches you ask? Why good sir I will tell you. Promotion matches are the ten matches you do to see where you place in the Ranked League. You play against all kinds of people all over the world to see if you are going to be placed in bronze, silver, or gold. I was in bronze last year...the whole year. Couldn't get out. I hated it. NO more BRONZE! I will get silver this year if it kills me.

Well....just finished my placement matches. 7 wins 3 losses all with Lux. Bastards put me in Bronze 1. I think I just might cry. It's possible. Sigh...anyway. All of these with Lux. Why Lux?

Well that question is very simple to me. Lux is one of the best mids because of her range, her CC, her ult, and finally her movement.

This is the big bad...lady here. In all her luminescent glory! I love Lux...I really do. Half of my games with her are more than fantastic. The only problem...you have to be able to land her stuff. When you're hit and miss like me, landing could be a real issue. But not when you have a super mega amazing skin that makes you hit everything you land!
Woot! Steele Legion Lux! Ok I was kidding about the part where you land everything...that never happens. Haha.

Her Q is a long range bind, her W is a shield...(shields are OP in lol), and her E is a casted aoe in a small circle. Her ult (R) is a laser of death that you shoot in any direction. Very easy to miss, imo.
Finally her her passive enables her to autoattack you for extra damage after she hits you with one of her abilities. This is awesome, especially paired with Lich Bane...but it can also be tough because you're pretty far out there usually because her abilities go so far, hence, proper movement. With her trap she can easily get away from dangerous situations and her AOE slows! If you can't get away from those, the nifty shield absorbs some of your damage.

Her long cool downs and high mana abilities can be a problem. I suggest getting items that help with both of those. Blue every chance you get is also helpful.

Now go forth and Lux it up! Here is a nice parting Meme for ya!


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