Yeah Yeah, you read that right! My next "IMO LOL" Segment comes the elusive, the graceful, the extremely hot in a really weird because she's a spider way - ELISE! Now, this character is not played all that much at least not in the ranked games I've been playing nor in the regular games. I'm still not exactly sure why as she is surprisingly OP. My only conclusion could be because she has two sets of moves and besides Lee Sin, characters with two sets of moves aren't hardly played.
For Example - Jayce (never played) Udyr (I might eat my words cuz he's played so-so) Shyvana (never played) Nidalee (even though she can snipe a...person) Quinn (only seen her in ARAMS lately)
Ok ok you get the point right? I'm sure I haven't listed them all nor have I got into characters with one skill change like Jinx's Q. But I think you understand what I'm getting at. I considered these champions the opposite of faceroll. Why? Because you have to memorize 8 moves instead of 4, because they all do something different. ESPECIALLY ELISE!
Now let's get a good look at Spider Chick herself.
Now she has a variety of skins... actually I think she only has one other one. OH just kidding two. But one is the victorious Elise and I'm not entirely sure how you get that. Being good?
So I'll just show her other regular skin. Death Blossom Elise
I don't really have any sort of preference for the skin...though now that I'm playing her more I may get her other one. Who knows bro?
Ok on to WHY Elise is such a BAMF
Reason 1. My husband is deathly afraid of spiders. I play her out of spite.
Reason 2. She's hot.
Reason 3. She can be a top laner which is usually against tanky brawler types i.e. shen, darius, malphite, nasus, riven.
Reason 3.1 She is tanky brawler types COUNTER! Just the other day I beat a Shen! Yep, to be fair he had no ult anymore but still. I kicked his ass. How you ask? I'll get to it soon.
Reason 4. No mana? No problem! If you run out of mana you conveniently find yourself now a complete huge ass spider who doesn't need mana and relies off cool down timers.
Reason 5. In Spider form you have little baby spider minions to help you fight. Yep, creepy but awesome.
Reason 6. She's hot.
Reason 7. She has amazing cc and escape. If you can land her Cacoon you have a convient gap closer or an opportunity to run away. If you change into spider form and Rappel then you have another gap closer or a way to buy time or save yourself from a variety of enemy barrage.
Reason 8. Yes I said barrage. What can Rappel save her from? Caitlyn's ult! Any number of other CC I don't want to get into.
Reason 9. I don't have any more reasons I just didn't want to end on 8.
Passive | Spider Swarm |
| |||
Q | Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite |
Now that you understand why Elise is innately awesome let's go into how to build her. Or rather, how I build her.
She has completely crap AP ratio. Why? I think it's because she does percentage damage plus bonus magic damage. They don't want to let her just build AP then completely crush so they put limitations on it. SO I build more items that help to further her percentage damage.
Now this is not a complete failsafe guide on how to build. I do not add runes or masteries because I believe that's more preference than anything. There are also other items that you can build based on what their team comp is like.
But I like to build
Liandry's Torment
This is one of my first builds. Why? Because it has a small damage over time effect, it has magic pen to channel your ability power, it gives AP AND health. It is an over-all good item
Rod of Ages
Again, this is a great item. This gives health, AP, and mana. Frankly Elise is a mana whore with her spider bust move and her Q. This gives a little help.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Do you see a pattern yet? This is a high AP item and can be a little expensive but it also gives a good chunk of health. This is also extremely useful because it slows the target allowing you to use those gap closing moves even more efficiently.
Of course get a Rabadons. and consider a Zonya's and a Lich Bane. Those are dependent on laning as well.
I got the pics directly from http://gameinfo.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/game-info/items/
This is a great website if you want to look over items before you play to get an idea of how they are used and which champions they are best for.
Finally after all of this amazing information you're going to play Elise right? Hopefully :D. Now from what I've read, she can be a decent mid laner and she is a fast jungler. I have yet to jungle or mid her but I don't think it will be too long before I do. I think she is an amazing top laner and has surprising assets to help her team and sustain in lane.
Now you must be thinking, "If I am against an Elise...how will I ever win?" Well I have an answer for that two. Because I'm godlike. < Give love if you get the reference.
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