Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sims 4 - It's out and Proud!

The Great, the Mediocre, the Poor, and the Destitute

Ok Sims fans! It's here! That's right, Sims 4 came out on September 2nd or for the lucky pre-orders at 10 PM on September 1st. I can't even begin to describe to you the sheer effort I had to exert on Sept. 1st not to just go crazy from anticipation. When I saw the clock on the Sims page counting down from 10 hours I was beyond excited. Stoked, happy, overjoyed, whatever word you'd like to use. As the day wore on, so inevitably did my patience. Hour by hour the cords of my sanity were pulled as I watched the minutes tick by. Whoever thought of countdowns should be shot.

My friends were beyond annoyed as I kept them constantly updated via Ventrilo (computer speaking tool) on how many hours were left, how excited I was, and how many new and exciting things on the Sims 4 I would soon discover. I'm pretty sure I drove everyone one of them partially crazy with my absolute boredom. I had the day off my work, everyone was at school and my husband was at training. I was left to twiddle my thumbs. The house was clean, dinner was in the crockpot, and the cats refused to be loved. I was at a loss.
Finally finally FINALLY!!! At 10:00PM I logged into Origin and opened my pre-downloaded game (thanks EA for that).
I was immediately able to log online and use my previously created character to start my game (thanks AGAIN EA for create a sim demo). Soon I was enthralled and I think my friends were happy that I was finally quiet.
Now first of all, EA is getting so much flack about toddlers and pools that I just can't help address this issue or lack there of. Pun intended. First of all, we all know toddlers were annoying as hell. With babies you feed them, change them, cuddle and put them back. With toddlers you have to actually teach them all this stuff. So your sim plus the toddler has to be in a good mood. Then you spend hours potty training, teaching it to talk and walk. Let alone the fact that you have to do this while both the parents AND toddlers are happy.

So what did they do to try to rectify this and meet in a middle ground?
Additional baby options between parent and child!

So let's start from the beginning. Conception. You can still use the age old adage of "Try for baby" but there was no music...but I ended up pregnant so it must work. Now while researching this I learned that you can use a pregnancy stick the next morning if you click on the toilet! Fascinating. You can also adopt for 1000.

Another plus for Sims 4 is you can go to work leading up to the baby and the day after! No more of this waiting six days until you work again. People! I'm on a time frame here! I have short adult lives and only so many days to reach max career!

One cool thing to be noted that I found out myself is that you can breastfeed your child! This is made even cooler by the fact that it makes the relationship higher even quicker...was that English? *sigh*
The coolest thing about children in this game? You can click on them and have them age up. Or at anytime you can whip up a quick birthday cake and blow out some candles. Need that teenager to grow up before mom and dad die? Tired of feeding that pesky baby? Annoyed at the prospect of having to actually nurture your child? Just age them up with the click of a button. This seems to have no known impact to the Sims or their family. Just poof.

This is just one of the many reasons why Sims 4 is better than Sims 3. Tune in later for more reasons!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

World of Warcraft - DDOS and WoD Raiding

What Is Going On!?
Ok On to the most current issue plaguing WoW right now. The DDOS by Lizard Squad. This has to be the most ANNOYING thing that has ever happened to me while playing WoW. My latency goes through the roof IF it even allows me to stay on. Now I will be honest, I was blaming Blizz there for awhile too. I wanted them to credit us some free time or heck STOP the attacks. But as I was rolling through the forums today look at this issue I came to an actual explanation of what the heck DDOS IS and WHY it's doing this to WoW. Why as in why it's affecting it this way. As far as I know, Lizard Squad hasn't actually said why they are attacking Blizz.
Here's the website but I will take an except from it if you'd like to not read the whole article.
" Think of Battle.net as Mcdonalds. For some reason this Mcdonalds does not have double doors, it only has one (this is for the sake of the example). We, the consumers, are in a single file line going into mcdonalds, getting our delicious yet deadly Big Macs, and leave wondering what it's made of. THEN, you have the DDOSers. The DDOS attacks are the equivilant of 500 of fat people cutting in line, rushing the door all at once, and ceasing us from getting service for periods of time. "
So while I'm personally offended at the idea that people cutting the line have to be fat, this is a great example. It definitely put it in perspective for me. Or if you didn't get it, here's a short one that plays off the first. Same link applies.
 " If 20 people call your phone at once, you're not going to be able to make a call out. This is not the phone company's fault. They can't stop those people from calling you without making your phone line borderline useless with restrictions. "
What should you do? No idea. Be patient? Don't feed the trolls? And most importantly, stop blaming Blizzard who really just isn't at fault here.

Raiding in Warlords
 Yep you read this right! I wish they would kick the bucket on Raid Finder period but alas that is not to happen this Xpac. Good news though, I heard heroic dungeon gear will be the same as Raid Finder. You watch me never do ONE gosh darn Raid Finder. I'll heroic those dungeons up for days.
Anyhoo, to continue, Yes again you're probably reading that right. Glaucoma aside. Every raid aside from Mythic has a flex option meaning you can have anywhere from 10 to 25 players in the raid at any one time. The article (linked below picture) made a good point, stipulation that we, as in the WoW raiding community, rely way too much on a couple dps or one healer. If they leave, verily, your raid might fall apart. Everyone is impatient these days, no one likes to wipe, everyone thinks they're cooler than next rogue, hunter, or pally. So will this fix that? Maybe. You invite 16 people and 3 leave after one boss fight. No need to stop raid and keep searching. Set up oque, and continue on.
This also brings up a fabulous new question. With flex raiding came a kind of flex raiding attitude that I previously mentioned. This is also mentioned in the article. Will this attitude consume every level of raiding? Filling it with jerks and MVPS? Or at that same time will this allow more people to be included and invited to social communities in WoW? I guess we'll just have to see.
What was WoW NOT flexible on? Heroic. I am super bummed about it going up to 20 players. I don't really  mind that they have a hard set of numbers but I wish again, that they offered 10/25. Getting 10 people to do what you needed them to do was hard enough but double that? You might as well quit now.
Though, don't be too hasty. I guess we'll just have to see how it works out. How would I rate this entire change? Probably 7/10 as raid finder is still included.
How do you feel about the new raiding? How would you rank it? Comment! Let me know how you feel!

Warlords of Draenor - 78 days and Counting

2 Months 15 Days
Oh Goodness! SO that's what 78 days looks like. 2 months and 15 days. It seemed like such a short time period until I actually looked it up. I'm more than kind of bummed now. Good thing Sims 4 comes out in only 6 days! I can get good and tired of it before WoD drops.
Ok. So, to keep us all in suspense until November 13th, I will be trying to give updates on all things WoW until then. Meaning you get all the knitty gritty details that someone else has released before me that I will recycle for your use. Sounds pretty chill for me huh? I thought so to.
Moving on. Remember that post about WoW memorializing Robin Williams? Well how many of you thought it was just talk. Not I, I knew Blizz had it under control.
So WoW had decided to input Robin Williams in the game as a three character rotation between a blue genie (Aladdin), a human male (from movie Mork and Mindy), and a female human with grey hair (GO MRS. DOUBTFIRE!). I think it would be fantastic for the NPC to randomly change from one form to another throughout the day. Very insightful and creative.

Very cool.
To continue. China has its own digital entertainment event every year called China Joy. It is also known for it's exceptional Blizz cosplay. Check this chick's costume out! Like the comments, it was hard for me to tell if it was her costume or the mount straight out of the game! It is actually NOT photoshopped, hence why she won. For her prize she will be flown to Blizz con this coming year where she will debut her costume a second time.
Original article ^^^
Pics or it didn't happen ^^^
I found a very interesting music piece from WoD
If you're interested in the soundtracks of the upcoming expansion, feel free to click the link or listen to the video straight from here.

I personally love the sound and can't wait to quest while listening to this.

Monday, August 25, 2014

World of Warcraft - Ghostcrawler and Visual Updates!

Ze World of Ze Varcraft!
As told to us by Ghostcrawler!
Just...kidding. I do not have the keys to the kingdom, nor do I have access to privileged and private speeches from Ghostcrawler. But I do have public ones! Now Ghostcrawler has always been an enigma to the Wow Community and a further source of deep dissatisfaction and a constant thorn in many WoW gamers side. We tend to blame him on all the changes made in the game because...honestly? He's one of the only GM's that made himself so available to the player base.
Now is it really him that made a BILLION and one changes to the game? Of course not, but we sure as heck blamed him. But to move on.
He has joined Riot and is now on the League of Legends team which is thrilling. From one of my favorite games to another. In this discussion with MMO-champions he talks about the main differences between his role in WoW and his role in League.
Personally, the guy interviewing him is an ass. Ghostcrawler said ONE thing that  made perfect sense to me. He described the differences between the two games and how those not only affect his role on the team but also the challenges of his job. This caused the interviewer to really grill him for the rest of the conversation in an unnecessary way. The way Ghostcrawler kept repeating himself, I'm only stipulating here, I could imagine that he was beyond annoyed and kept repeating the same thing as if the reporter was a straight up idiot who couldn't seem to get a simple concept through his head. But I digress. I will not go through the interview. Here is the link if you want to read it. At the moment it is the third story down. But as I'm just linking MMO-champion that might change.
Why do I care about this? Because Ghostcrawler was a part of WoW for almost two decades and he deserves to be remembered in a good light. Here he gets to defend the nature of his previous role on the WoW team and while not dissing the game, he discusses the mass difference between a game like WoW and League of Legends.
More Visual Updates!
Whether you play Alliance or Horde, you have to admit that the visual updates for each race are amazing. All I hear lately is complaining but I for one, can barely stand how generic every character looks and generally "flat." I was excited when pandas got added to the game, not for actually playing them but because it ushered in a new era. If they were so visually updated that had to mean that WoW would follow suit with other races and I was not disappointed!
Here's a quick look at a few races that are visually updated. I received ALL images from MMO-champions that has been previously linked in above segment.

Ok. This ALMOST makes me want to play a female Tauren. I do still sadly have respect for myself so that will not be happening. But seriously? This stuff looks straight up chill! I'm so excited! I might even go female Orc! I added the cute new pet that you can get as well. Mostly because...well look at him! He's adorbs!
Does a visual update change the game? Or course not! But it does add a very appealing element of personality and characteristics that I don't think WoW had before. In every game, one of the most appealing "jobs" is to make your character and further more, to make it what you want it to be. Does this visual update add that? I think so. Tell me what you think in the comment section.

World of Warcraft - Girl Gamers

Girl Gamers
Turns out girl gamers are now outnumbering teenage boys. Yep! Huge shocker there, at least to me when I read it. I think there has been such a position of teenage boys ruling the gaming world that to find out adult female are actually in the lead, creates huge shock value. Ok so to be fair, men still lead the gaming numbers but no longer do little boys outnumber us! (Cue maniacal laughter).
A little number game. For those of you who think that most of the gamer world is comprised of young adults you would be....WRONG! Over 39% of the gaming world is OVER the age of 36! While the gender of this is 52% men and 48% women. OO! Ladies we're catching up!
And the average number of years gamers have "wasted" (popular opinion) on video games is 14 years. OOO lordy! That's over half my life!
Now before everyone gets their armor in a dent, something needs to be known here. This includes games like Farmville or games on multiple platforms, i.e. tablets, smartphones, etc. So this doesn't necessarily mean the "hardcore" game but possible the more casual one.
This article stipulates that marketing and games themselves will change their previous demographic of teenage boys to a more obviously influential group of people...yep WOMAN.
OO pick me pick me! I'm definitely the top right one!!! :D The bottom right one ONLY describes me when I play League of Legends.
If you want to read this your self please click the link below. You may have to mouse over it, as it's in black. The above picture was also captured from said article.

SIms 4 - New News and Old News

Sims 4 - New News and Old News
Also Used News?

I get my information from a variety of sources. Some I get from youtube video mammoths such as Curtis Paradis and some I get from the Sims webpage, etc. 

That being said, I'm not always ON TIME with my information. Get over it. I have. Others, might not view this information as it comes out too, so I feel ok about being late. 

Ok on to news. Remember what we talked about in the last blog? About different things that the Sims 4 would be leaving out and what they would be adding. Here is a post which explains WHY they decided to forgo some of the more popular aspects of Sims 3 in Sims 4 such as pools and toddlers.

Read it here
Picture is taken directly from linked webpage.

Don't want to read it? I'll give you a quick summary. Basically, Sims 4 wanted to focus more on the Sims themselves, their emotions, and how those emotions change their interactions with both objects and people. Meaning they just didn't have the time or energy to add additional items/toddlers to the game and then create how all of those interactions would occur. Some people are plain pissed. Why release an unfinished project. I don't really find this unfinished. Many games choose to format their base version without many items and include this later through patching or further expansions. I think people are really pissed because Sims 4 will release expansions with this content that they will buy. Because if you aren't going to buy it? Why give EA grief about it? You wouldn't. You're going to give EA crap because you KNOW you're going to buy it. I'm sorry, but whether or not you like what EA does...they release a product you still want to play whether or not you spend all your time being salty about it or not. Ok sorry, that was my little rant.

Also included in this blog is a little pic that I linked above showing some of the new changes that were made in Sims 4 to build/buy. Essentially the smart tool that they use for blueprinting rooms and adding/removing rooms to houses. I saw the Sims 4 demo where they added an entire house and room from their new gallery and honestly I'm in love. 

Ok so to continue with the recent blogs from the Sims 4 news page.

What about the new neighborhoods?

Ok. So basically what they've added is two neighborhoods. Willow Creak and Oasis Springs. Willow Creek is probably really similar to Sunset Valley while they describe Oasis Springs as  being a mixture between Lunar Lakes and Lucky Palms. They describe that there are reasons to venture to different neighborhoods. Different collectibles thrive in the different enviroments. They even go so far as to say the avenues and architecture of each neighborhood is different. A new experience per neighborhood. How is this different than Sims 3? Well apparently your relationships, history, family tree, skills, etc. will also travel with you if/when you move to a new neighborhood.

Now look at the above picture. HOW freaking gorgeous is that!? The view is spectacular, the graphics for the items is chill. And frankly, the food looks like actually food. I've been waiting for that for a long time. Yea..I know.

To continue...
This one they describe the new and old faces we'll see in Sims 4. I'm excited to see how these characters interact with the new ones I will make :D.

Ok so if you're curious on how changing Sims and their interactions in the Sims 4 is so much work, then check out this link. Honestly, it was boring to me because I just don't care. But I know a lot of you are curious to know what actually goes into the Sims and challenges the designers face.

And with that I'm out! Have a lovely night!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

League of Legends Weekly Champion

Amumu - Let's Be Friends Forever!

The most depressed little mummy around has come to honor my page as Champion of the Week! I've been playing Amumu for quite awhile on League and I seriously think he's one of the most under-played and under-appreciated character that LoL has. Sure he was banned forever for Ranked games, but not really anymore. It's as if everyone has forgotten why they banned him in the first place!

My daughter loves Amumu and at a young age, cutely referred to him as mumu and said that if he needed friends so bad she would be his friend! She was extremely sad at his constant crying and pleading for hugs. 

But really Amumu's sadness is to his advantage. Clearly. 

Why pick Amumu? Here is one very vital reason that I will explain after this image.

Ok see that increasingly ridiculous AP ratio bar? Yea...I see it too. You'd have to be blind not to.
So that bar means that when you build him AP - all his abilities scale very heavily. Notice under his attritbutes that he is classified as a melee, tank. Again, why is this important? Because all he has to do is build AP/Tank. With his natural tankiness and his propensity for AP - his damage will be through the roof while his survivability will be high. 

I can simplify - Build AP and tank and you will crush things and live while doing it.
I liked it the first way better. Psh noobs. 

So how to play him? What are his abilities (in easy terms) What items should be build?
Well guys, that's why I'm here - to save your lives.

Passive (Just another thing that makes Amumu so OP) - His basic attacks reduce the MR (magic resist) of the target for 3 seconds and it keeps refreshing every time he hits them again. This in conjunction with his high AP ratios help to slowly tear down the target.

Q - This is a bandage toss that has a very small timer on it. What I mean by this is that it's a quicker action than let's say Thresh's pull. Meaning that you can anticipate that it will hit the target much faster. The cooldown is not very long and nothing a CD item won't fix. ;P

W - Mumu has a special power. He can cry tears from hell. No joke. This is a percentage based ability, meaning every second of this attack and the target loses a percentage of his/her health. This is straight up cheating! Lol. (pun intended).

E - Like any emo kid, this one in particular through some pretty crazy tantrums. His E being one of them. This ability has both a passive and and active. The passive reduces the amount of physical damage that he takes. The action part is a magic based attack that hits the target. The cooldown of this ability is reduced every time Amumu is auto-attacked. Again...why don't more people play this emo bastard?

R - Easily one of the best ults in the game. It's a huge AOE that immobilizes all surrounding targets for 2 sec which is a LONG time in league terms. There is no increased time period for that ult as you level it, only increased damage. I can't tell you how many times I have secured kills for others using this move. You can easily catch all five enemy players if they group. 

Next question. What to build? This is easily one of the most important questions to ask for any champion but especially Amumu. You want to keep the tank aspect of him (at least I enjoy that part) while also furthering his AP damage abilities. 

Remember that these are just friendly suggestions and my opinion. My build suggestions are in no way what you should do every time for every game. There are many situational items that have a time and a place to be used.

AD Heavy Teams I choose

Sunfire Cape  - This gives a decent amount of health and armor while also adding a passive AOE damage ability that is great with Amumu tears.

Iceborn Gauntlet - This gives armor, AP, CD reduction, and a unique passive. A lot of people don't like to build this item but I love it. 

AP Heavy Teams

Spirit Visage - You get health, MR, Health Regen, and CD. Passive increases self-healing and spell vamp. This item is great with a Will of the Ancients if you want to go that way.

Abyssal Scepter - AP plus MR. This piece is always good if you want both. Aura also reduces MR of nearby enemies. Seeing a theme with these items and how they fit so well with Amumu?

Items to Consider

Liandry's Torment - Health, AP, Magic Pen, and a burning damage passive.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Large amount of both AP and health. Passive slows targets.

I try to pick items that include health, AP, and resistances. Many other people build Amumu differently and that's ok. With these items however, I've had the most amount of success with this emo kid.

Item info and their images were captured from 

Honestly I feel bad for Amumu. He's so sad :(

I truly love Amumu. The versatility and usefulness he brings to the team is fantastic. Have a group of heavy AP? He's got Magic Reduction that affects the enemy team. 

Need enemies to just stop running away for a second? Amumu's got you! With a bandage toss or a very well timed ultimate he can gather kills for his teammates very quickly.

He tanks up enemies and if they are dumb enough to focus him, applies percentage damage to each target that he hits with his tears. With as much damage as he does while sad, I wouldn't suggest anti-depressants. What's he gonna do then? Smile at them to death?! I think not.

But you kind of have to admit it. He brings it upon himself.

World Of Warcraft - Delays and Skills

Weekly Wow News!

Would you know what to do if a moose attacked you? Do you even know how big a moose is? I bet you Canadians do! :p
They are HUGE! Complete with ferocious antlers and an aggressive personality, these guys won't run away from humans . Not a warning swat from a cranky cat but like, attack and charge type of aggressive. 

Dude seriously? That THING is enormous! I would be up a certain type of creek if a moose attacked me, if you know what I mean.

So this kid - this BOY used his WoW skills to save his sister and himself from an attacking moose! Legit is what I say. How? That's right - Taunt and Feign Death! 

You can read the whole story here -
(image captured from webpage)

That's not something you hear everyday. 
"I got attacked by a moose! And I used my video game skills to save my family!"
I thought this was a particularly awesome story considering the negativity WoW players get from the non gamer community.  The only thing I disliked about this article was the attempt the author made to make it seem as if it was strange for the boy to be outside. Not all WoW players are completely addicted to this damn game. Get a grip you fools!

Ok on to more interesting news. I recently posted an article about the new troll updates. Here's some sad news for the WoW community.

Blood elves new model delayed.

I have to say I'm extremely disappointed because almost all my characters are BE's and I've been so excited to see their new updated models. Will the men still have a tendency to look metrosexual? Will the women still have siren eyes? Who knows...no one at this point.
I do have to give props to Blizz for not releasing a half-assed product. I just did an article about EA and Sims 4 where people are seriously worrying if the new Sims is even ready.

That's one thing I've never concerned myself about when it comes to Blizz. They always have their crap together. Thanks Blizz for making a great product...sigh even if you decided to post-pone my beautiful blood elves.

If you like listening to music, while play WoW like I do, check out this neat new video and song by Bastille.

Gotta love those sexy sexy dudes!

Sims 4 - Controversy over Commitment

Sims 4 - September 2, 2014

Yep in a little less than fifteen days the Sim community will be seeing the release of this highly publicized supposedly epic game. Now a lot of speculation and uncertainty has surrounded this exceedingly anticipated game. What will it be like? What is and is not going to be in this new version?

What we know for certain is EA has refused to let reviewers and gamers around the world review the game ahead of time. 


What does this mean?

Via Twitter - Dan Stapleton says the following - 

"Looks like there'll be no The Sims 4 reviews until after it's out. EA tells me no one's getting access ahead of release. I'm nervous."

The article mentions the Sims 4 fiasco and also the deletion of certain key items and/or parts of the game they have taken out such as Create a Style and pools and toddlers. 
Will EA add those things back in when they add multiple expacs? Maybe, it's always a possibility. Toddlers and pools probably for sure. But they took Create a Style out for a reason and I think it might be something they continue to leave out. 

To sure, some people are pissed about the major changes to the game and I think in all this negativity, we've forgotten all the things they HAVE added so far. I mean come on, this game is much farther developed than any other Sims. They have much better versatility and have added upgraded UI systems to make the process of building your own house pain free. The graphics themselves look 100% better. I also believe the general direction the Sims franchise wanted to go was less about material things and more about the Sims themselves who now interact with a variety of new objects/sims/and other social interactions thus affection how THEY themselves respond.

Again, what does this mean?

This means smart, more intuitive Sims. This gives you a completely different interaction with your Sim and how they live their lives.  


New Emotions

You control the mind, body, and now the heart of your Sims. For the first time, you control your Sims emotions. The Sims you create are full of life defined by their unique personalities and their emotions.

Unique Personalities

The Sims you create have big personalities that are uniquely defined by their traits, aspirations and skills. The Sims you create influence what you can do for greater possibilities in the game. 

Now how do you counteract this? How do you find out about this game before you shell out $59.99 or $69.99 for this game?

A couple weeks ago you could sign up through Origin for a free Create a Sim demo but now it's open to the public.
GO forth and make your really weird looking Sims! 


Watch me create myself! Sorry for the seriously deplorable audio :(

To Continue!

So that's how you can go around (at least a bit) of not having reviews before hand. As you can see in the video I have several things that I detest about their create a Sim process, one being I can't make my forehead larger!!!! But all in all I did like it. It is a bit clunky and the graphics and they way they created the Sims are definitely a little different. But they are still unique and that's the real point of any Sim game right?

Want to pre-order Sims 4?

This is not a promotion for Sims 4. I'm not saying go out and buy the game it's going to be so cool yadda yadda. What I am saying is that it's going to be different and as humans we all seem fairly adverse to change. But that doesn't mean the game is going to be terrible. I will be buying it. Maybe I won't like it, maybe I'll love it. That's for me to decide and you will make your own decision.

Go forth! Happy Simming :D

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Warlords of Draenor - A Tintilating Tale of Half Truths and Supposed Facts

A countdown was born as we all waited in an anticipation for the release of the Warlords of Draenor cinematic. I was more than disappointed as the expected time for release was right in the middle of my very busy work day. So of course I'm waiting on pins and needles for the day to end until I can watch this epic trailer. WoW always has good cinematic and they are a very looked forward to event each expansion.

So was I disappointed? NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!!! The ending is enough to cause you to say "Wtf mate?" And the graphics are sublime and on par with past WoW videos. Do we know who all the characters are? If you aren't into lore...maybe not but I still felt they were all pretty obvious. So should I link it now? So you can all have the same viewing pleasure as I did? SURE!!!

Now what was the big reveal besides the whole Garrosh changing the past? The release date fools!!!! 

November 13, 2014

How awesome is that! Not the original December release that we were all expecting. You go Blizz, you go! 

Now what does this mean to everyone? A whole bunch of things! As with every new expac there comes an incredible amount of changes, both good and bad. Positive and negative. Useless and needed. Of course these opinions vary by player rather than being the standard ;P. 

Let's take a look at some of the visual changes and upcoming worlds and cities for WoD. 

New enemies, new pets, strange new world views. Pvp additions, plus of course the much anticipated Character Visual Updates!
Anyone else so freaking excited for Nagrand?! Always loved that place and I have to say, I think it looks even cooler. The new dungeons look legit but I don't know how I'm going to like to do them over and over as they look fairly involved. Garrisons anyone? To have your own little village essentially that are halfway customizable. This is legit even if we only look at in the perspective of everyone clamoring for something like this since Vanilla. 

Here's some additional news that came out recently that was a bit different than everyone had originally stipulated - Warlords of Draenor: Adventuring from 90 to 100. Yep you read that right. Well hopefully you did, who really knows how good of a reader you are. If you didn't understand that or the point - people had originally assumed that the level cap would be going to 95 but with this extra tidbit of information we can formally conclude that HOURS OF TIME WILL BE SPENT GETTING TO 100!!!

Ugh, I just felt my entire life getting more grindy. *sad face*

What else is in store for WoD? Why don't you check this out!

Or if you just want a simplified version of what I wanted you to read, kindly scroll down. This information is straight from the website I previously linked. My comments will be **

  • Raids will open roughly two and a half weeks after the expansion releases. This will give players time to level and enjoy some dungeons and other content before they move on to raiding. **Honestly this is pretty legit. This gives a very unrushed feeling for leveling that I will really enjoy. I really don't want to get on and rush rush to level to 100 and then raid right away**
  • Normal and Heroic will open first, with Mythic and LFR starting to open the following week.
  • **This literally makes NO sense to me. How will people be able to raid normals without LFR gear? Is LFR not that big of deal anymore?**
  • Blackrock Foundry will open some number of weeks later. (4 weeks for MSV before HoF opened was too short - WatcherDev)
  • Grommash is really the final boss! When players get to the Grommash fight, they will see that it is a completely different fight from the Garrosh fight in Siege of Orgrimmar.
  • There will be more than just Orcs in the raids. For example, there will be a heavy Legion influence in the raid that has Grommash Hellscream.**Cool story bro, tell it again**
  • The legendary items (other than the ring) will most likely come from defeating really difficult content. **More the one legendary item?? Say what?**
  • Warlords will have more activated trinkets compared to Mists of Pandaria. **Good idea, trinkets practically useless in terms of on-use in MoP, making them forlorn and forgotten.**
  • Challenge modes will reward players with transmog weapons for Gold, a mount for Silver, and a title for Bronze. (WatcherDev) **This and the item below makes Challenge modes actually applicable. :D**
  • Challenge modes will have a daily quest that can reward Raid Finder quality loot. This will give players a reason to do Challenge modes while they wait for raids to open. (WatcherDev)
  • Depending on what buildings your Garrison has, there will be different relevant content out in the world. **Wish I knew what they were...**
  • If you build the Inn, you will have a dungeon daily quest in the Inn, similar to the Wrath of the Lich King dungeon daily quests.
  • There are four tiers of Garrison missions for your followers, giving followers increased item levels and access to better missions each tier. Eventually you will have access to a mission that rewards raid quality loot every couple of weeks.**Schweett!**
  • Armistice Day is on the Tuesday of the release week, which is why they went with Thursday instead of Tuesday for release this time. **Better idea, weekendish release. Blizz, I am pleased.**
  • The team has talked about doing an updated version of Karazhan, but it was created as a 10 player raid. There isn't space for 30 players. **I would squeal with delight!**

This has been all your amazing WoD updates and news. For continuation come back! Comments are always helpful!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Integrity and Diminishing Returns of World of Warcraft

There has been a lot of things going on in the world that we're all paying attention to. Airplanes being downed, war in Isreal, riots in Missiouri, boycotting of food goods from Russia.

But we all pause for a moment and put that in the back of our minds so that we can play World of Warcraft. Why? Because that's how we all survive. If all we did every day was to think about these terrible problems...we'd all go insane. We need an outlet, something to release our the pressure of the world. So when people make fun of me for playing WoW? I tell them to get lost!

So there! My decision making abilities are beyond comprehension!

Ok, on to the point. We'll get there eventually!

So how does Wow affect your life? What's going on in the game to lighten your day.

Well first of all, Wow cares. We all know that Robin Williams passed away early this week. Way to go WOW for memorializing him! Check this out!

Robin Williams to Memorialized in Wow

We all know how shiesty Wow players can get and how trolly all the trolls can roll but it's always nice to see the Wow community buck up and be decent people.

Area 52 Server Holds Memorial for Robin Williams

Not to be out shown by the terrible death of the late comedian, World of Warcraft also released this new update for trolls, portraying both males and females together. We can definitely see the update between the old and new model. Trolls are still ugly, but at least your updated and ugly.

Troll Update in Warlords Expac.
"I'll be trollin, you be hatin mon"


And if all of this isn't enough to renew your faith in WoW, or excite you for the upcoming release of our favorite new drug WoD, then this will help take your panties out of that bunch.

Credit to all the meme's and photos goes to random people on Girls who play Wow Facebook Page.
Yep I'm a member. Laugh already.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Champion of the Week - Captain Teemo

Captain Teemo on Duty
Teemo. How cute, you say. He's so little and furry, you comment. Oh what a cute little yordle, you exclaim. I just want to hug - AHHHH IT HURTS!!! I'M DYING!!! OMG!!!
Yep, that's an encounter with Teemo alright. He is a beast and constantly underestimated. I don't see him played too often but out of a hundred and something champs that's  not irregular to not see many champs played. It's also the luck of the draw as well. Sure there are more popular champs but you're only going to see who you go up against. And you might see different champions played based on what rank you are - bronze, silver, gold, etc. Though I'm not actually sure about that. So what exactly am I sure about today?
That Teemo is a boss! I love teemo, he has been one of my all time favorite characters. He can play any lane except jungle...no he really can't play jungle.
PROS - Teemo has excellent vision. Yes this usually starts at lvl 6 because you can start shrooming up the whole world. But he can sit in the bush as support and disappear, leaving you able to see that portion of the map without being in danger. Careful of vision wards though.
He has a speed up - allowing you to get away, move in for that Q, or gap close for a kill.
He is amazing as a support. Seriously, everyone always gives me crap for playing him support until I do. He AP ratio is good enough that you can slack on building AP quickly, allowing him to do good damage as a support without necessarily having the items. He doesn't HAVE to kill the minions with his poison. As a support against the AD carry he can blind, allowing his own ADC to have uninterrupted time to go ham against the other carry. It's perfect.
His shrooms. They are constantly underestimated until someone steps on one. They slow, allowing easy kills. Plus once Teemo actually HAS some AP...you're dead. Get away with that fight with 20 health...teemo shroom. In their jungle stealing blue? Shroom. Dead give away. The best moments are when you get the kill when you aren't even around or trying.

Yep. Teemo makes it really easy to be a BAMF.
You might be asking about Teemo's cons. And that my lovelies is a valid point but one I HATE to dwell on. Harpies. All of you.
CONS - He's really freaking squishy. Like a goshdamn plushie. Or worse, like a moldy tomato. No really, you think I'm just being silly but LOL always provides a drawback. Nidalee and her OP spears? It's ok because their hit box is really really small. Xerath and his ridiculous range? That's ok, bumrush him, making his stun fairly useless. I've always liked LOL for putting in what I refer to as a "Oh crap" clause. So Teemo's is fairly simple. Unless you build him bulky...which takes away from building him mostly damage, then you're going to get hit. And hit hard. Unless it's an ADC in which you can Q to blind then W to run away really fast. Honestly, if you get fed, you can take on most champs 1v1. Last night I kept owning a Darius until he figured out that he could just ult me to death. Jerk.
His shrooms disappear. Yep, it happens. Once you level it up though, they are usually there to stay unless they get hit. Shrooms - take WAY too much mana to put down at beginning levels in my opinion though I understand...that's one of his clauses to not be too OP (over powered you non gaming nerds).
This is just a personal Con. I hate it when I go into a part of their jungle or a part of our river, etc and really shroom it up. I mean, the map looks like a drug cartel. Then we have a team fight and they all get walked over but no one dies. Rarely happens...but it can. Makes me angry because now, I have no shrooms. Sigh. First world problems.
I bet you want a chance to look at Teemo's amazing over powering move list right? I know. I'm always right.
 Check this out! ^^^^^^
I personally love lolking. I think it gives great ideas on what all the top ranking players are using but it also allows you to look and see what the champ does before you use them. It also allows you to see the stats if that interests you. Me? Bores to tears.
So Finally my favorite part. What to Build????? This is the age old question on every champ. I want to take a minute to explain to you guys why this is just my opinion. Why even lolkings is JUST an opinion. LOL has it's moments. Sometimes the game is SICK! ...Mostly when you're winning. And sometimes it plain sucks - yep when you're losing. But the coolest thing they have added into this game is versatility. The amount of champions x the amount of items x the amount of abilities x players choice = FREAKING INFINITY! Well, probably not but I'm bad with math so we'll go with infinity.
So the important thing to realize is - a lot of items are situational. Am I going to build an

Iceborn Gauntlet - Gives Armor, AP, CD, Mana

if I'm playing Leona against of team of all AP. HECK NO! Why? Because it gives armor. I'll be building tank MR (magic resist) items.
So, normally in Teemo I like to build
Liandry's Torment - Gives AP, health, MP, and a percentage DOT (damage over time) effect. First of all, percentage damage in this game is way too over powered. Secondly, imagine me, Teemo with my shrooms that now have more MP and AP, I have more survivability given my health, and now I have a percentage DOT. For Teemo and most other AP's this is an amazing item.
Nashor's Tooth - Teemo is helped a lot when his attack speed goes up. So this item does that plus AP. It has CD plus a bonus magic damage when you deal basic attacks. Besides his Q, all Teemo will do is basic attack you. See why I like this item?
If I HAVE to put a Rabadon's Deathcap down...you're halfway too stupid to read.
Carrying on
Lich Bane is great.
Situational items against AP include
Abyssal Scepter and
Athene's Unholy Grail
Remember this IS a cool down hit cap so make sure you don't go over 40% or you're just hurting yourself.
Against an AD team
Zhonya's Hourglass
There is plenty of different items that suit Teemo really well. Some don't. It's about playing him to your advantage. If people are stepping on your shrooms all the time? Go high AP, plus those items that "burn" the target longer like a Morellonomicon.
Play with what is comfortable for you.
Finally. Love Teemo. He is a great fantastic Champ with a lot of versatility and usefulness. You can hold your own against fed ADC's, tanky brawlers, and even go head to head with some mid laners.
"Armed and Ready"