Wednesday, August 20, 2014

League of Legends Weekly Champion

Amumu - Let's Be Friends Forever!

The most depressed little mummy around has come to honor my page as Champion of the Week! I've been playing Amumu for quite awhile on League and I seriously think he's one of the most under-played and under-appreciated character that LoL has. Sure he was banned forever for Ranked games, but not really anymore. It's as if everyone has forgotten why they banned him in the first place!

My daughter loves Amumu and at a young age, cutely referred to him as mumu and said that if he needed friends so bad she would be his friend! She was extremely sad at his constant crying and pleading for hugs. 

But really Amumu's sadness is to his advantage. Clearly. 

Why pick Amumu? Here is one very vital reason that I will explain after this image.

Ok see that increasingly ridiculous AP ratio bar? Yea...I see it too. You'd have to be blind not to.
So that bar means that when you build him AP - all his abilities scale very heavily. Notice under his attritbutes that he is classified as a melee, tank. Again, why is this important? Because all he has to do is build AP/Tank. With his natural tankiness and his propensity for AP - his damage will be through the roof while his survivability will be high. 

I can simplify - Build AP and tank and you will crush things and live while doing it.
I liked it the first way better. Psh noobs. 

So how to play him? What are his abilities (in easy terms) What items should be build?
Well guys, that's why I'm here - to save your lives.

Passive (Just another thing that makes Amumu so OP) - His basic attacks reduce the MR (magic resist) of the target for 3 seconds and it keeps refreshing every time he hits them again. This in conjunction with his high AP ratios help to slowly tear down the target.

Q - This is a bandage toss that has a very small timer on it. What I mean by this is that it's a quicker action than let's say Thresh's pull. Meaning that you can anticipate that it will hit the target much faster. The cooldown is not very long and nothing a CD item won't fix. ;P

W - Mumu has a special power. He can cry tears from hell. No joke. This is a percentage based ability, meaning every second of this attack and the target loses a percentage of his/her health. This is straight up cheating! Lol. (pun intended).

E - Like any emo kid, this one in particular through some pretty crazy tantrums. His E being one of them. This ability has both a passive and and active. The passive reduces the amount of physical damage that he takes. The action part is a magic based attack that hits the target. The cooldown of this ability is reduced every time Amumu is auto-attacked. Again...why don't more people play this emo bastard?

R - Easily one of the best ults in the game. It's a huge AOE that immobilizes all surrounding targets for 2 sec which is a LONG time in league terms. There is no increased time period for that ult as you level it, only increased damage. I can't tell you how many times I have secured kills for others using this move. You can easily catch all five enemy players if they group. 

Next question. What to build? This is easily one of the most important questions to ask for any champion but especially Amumu. You want to keep the tank aspect of him (at least I enjoy that part) while also furthering his AP damage abilities. 

Remember that these are just friendly suggestions and my opinion. My build suggestions are in no way what you should do every time for every game. There are many situational items that have a time and a place to be used.

AD Heavy Teams I choose

Sunfire Cape  - This gives a decent amount of health and armor while also adding a passive AOE damage ability that is great with Amumu tears.

Iceborn Gauntlet - This gives armor, AP, CD reduction, and a unique passive. A lot of people don't like to build this item but I love it. 

AP Heavy Teams

Spirit Visage - You get health, MR, Health Regen, and CD. Passive increases self-healing and spell vamp. This item is great with a Will of the Ancients if you want to go that way.

Abyssal Scepter - AP plus MR. This piece is always good if you want both. Aura also reduces MR of nearby enemies. Seeing a theme with these items and how they fit so well with Amumu?

Items to Consider

Liandry's Torment - Health, AP, Magic Pen, and a burning damage passive.

Rylai's Crystal Scepter - Large amount of both AP and health. Passive slows targets.

I try to pick items that include health, AP, and resistances. Many other people build Amumu differently and that's ok. With these items however, I've had the most amount of success with this emo kid.

Item info and their images were captured from 

Honestly I feel bad for Amumu. He's so sad :(

I truly love Amumu. The versatility and usefulness he brings to the team is fantastic. Have a group of heavy AP? He's got Magic Reduction that affects the enemy team. 

Need enemies to just stop running away for a second? Amumu's got you! With a bandage toss or a very well timed ultimate he can gather kills for his teammates very quickly.

He tanks up enemies and if they are dumb enough to focus him, applies percentage damage to each target that he hits with his tears. With as much damage as he does while sad, I wouldn't suggest anti-depressants. What's he gonna do then? Smile at them to death?! I think not.

But you kind of have to admit it. He brings it upon himself.

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