Weekly Wow News!
Would you know what to do if a moose attacked you? Do you even know how big a moose is? I bet you Canadians do! :p
They are HUGE! Complete with ferocious antlers and an aggressive personality, these guys won't run away from humans . Not a warning swat from a cranky cat but like, attack and charge type of aggressive.
Dude seriously? That THING is enormous! I would be up a certain type of creek if a moose attacked me, if you know what I mean.
So this kid - this BOY used his WoW skills to save his sister and himself from an attacking moose! Legit is what I say. How? That's right - Taunt and Feign Death!
You can read the whole story here -
(image captured from webpage)
(image captured from webpage)
That's not something you hear everyday.
"I got attacked by a moose! And I used my video game skills to save my family!"
I thought this was a particularly awesome story considering the negativity WoW players get from the non gamer community. The only thing I disliked about this article was the attempt the author made to make it seem as if it was strange for the boy to be outside. Not all WoW players are completely addicted to this damn game. Get a grip you fools!
Ok on to more interesting news. I recently posted an article about the new troll updates. Here's some sad news for the WoW community.
Blood elves new model delayed.
I have to say I'm extremely disappointed because almost all my characters are BE's and I've been so excited to see their new updated models. Will the men still have a tendency to look metrosexual? Will the women still have siren eyes? Who knows...no one at this point.
I do have to give props to Blizz for not releasing a half-assed product. I just did an article about EA and Sims 4 where people are seriously worrying if the new Sims is even ready.
That's one thing I've never concerned myself about when it comes to Blizz. They always have their crap together. Thanks Blizz for making a great product...sigh even if you decided to post-pone my beautiful blood elves.
If you like listening to music, while play WoW like I do, check out this neat new video and song by Bastille.
Gotta love those sexy sexy dudes!
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