A countdown was born as we all waited in an anticipation for the release of the Warlords of Draenor cinematic. I was more than disappointed as the expected time for release was right in the middle of my very busy work day. So of course I'm waiting on pins and needles for the day to end until I can watch this epic trailer. WoW always has good cinematic and they are a very looked forward to event each expansion.
So was I disappointed? NOT EVEN A LITTLE BIT!!! The ending is enough to cause you to say "Wtf mate?" And the graphics are sublime and on par with past WoW videos. Do we know who all the characters are? If you aren't into lore...maybe not but I still felt they were all pretty obvious. So should I link it now? So you can all have the same viewing pleasure as I did? SURE!!!
Now what was the big reveal besides the whole Garrosh changing the past? The release date fools!!!!
November 13, 2014
How awesome is that! Not the original December release that we were all expecting. You go Blizz, you go!
Now what does this mean to everyone? A whole bunch of things! As with every new expac there comes an incredible amount of changes, both good and bad. Positive and negative. Useless and needed. Of course these opinions vary by player rather than being the standard ;P.
Let's take a look at some of the visual changes and upcoming worlds and cities for WoD.
New enemies, new pets, strange new world views. Pvp additions, plus of course the much anticipated Character Visual Updates!
Anyone else so freaking excited for Nagrand?! Always loved that place and I have to say, I think it looks even cooler. The new dungeons look legit but I don't know how I'm going to like to do them over and over as they look fairly involved. Garrisons anyone? To have your own little village essentially that are halfway customizable. This is legit even if we only look at in the perspective of everyone clamoring for something like this since Vanilla.
Here's some additional news that came out recently that was a bit different than everyone had originally stipulated - Warlords of Draenor: Adventuring from 90 to 100. Yep you read that right. Well hopefully you did, who really knows how good of a reader you are. If you didn't understand that or the point - people had originally assumed that the level cap would be going to 95 but with this extra tidbit of information we can formally conclude that HOURS OF TIME WILL BE SPENT GETTING TO 100!!!
Ugh, I just felt my entire life getting more grindy. *sad face*
What else is in store for WoD? Why don't you check this out!
Or if you just want a simplified version of what I wanted you to read, kindly scroll down. This information is straight from the website I previously linked. My comments will be **
- Raids will open roughly two and a half weeks after the expansion releases. This will give players time to level and enjoy some dungeons and other content before they move on to raiding. **Honestly this is pretty legit. This gives a very unrushed feeling for leveling that I will really enjoy. I really don't want to get on and rush rush to level to 100 and then raid right away**
- Normal and Heroic will open first, with Mythic and LFR starting to open the following week.
- **This literally makes NO sense to me. How will people be able to raid normals without LFR gear? Is LFR not that big of deal anymore?**
- Blackrock Foundry will open some number of weeks later. (4 weeks for MSV before HoF opened was too short - WatcherDev)
- Grommash is really the final boss! When players get to the Grommash fight, they will see that it is a completely different fight from the Garrosh fight in Siege of Orgrimmar.
- There will be more than just Orcs in the raids. For example, there will be a heavy Legion influence in the raid that has Grommash Hellscream.**Cool story bro, tell it again**
- The legendary items (other than the ring) will most likely come from defeating really difficult content. **More the one legendary item?? Say what?**
- Warlords will have more activated trinkets compared to Mists of Pandaria. **Good idea, trinkets practically useless in terms of on-use in MoP, making them forlorn and forgotten.**
- Challenge modes will reward players with transmog weapons for Gold, a mount for Silver, and a title for Bronze. (WatcherDev) **This and the item below makes Challenge modes actually applicable. :D**
- Challenge modes will have a daily quest that can reward Raid Finder quality loot. This will give players a reason to do Challenge modes while they wait for raids to open. (WatcherDev)
- Depending on what buildings your Garrison has, there will be different relevant content out in the world. **Wish I knew what they were...**
- If you build the Inn, you will have a dungeon daily quest in the Inn, similar to the Wrath of the Lich King dungeon daily quests.
- There are four tiers of Garrison missions for your followers, giving followers increased item levels and access to better missions each tier. Eventually you will have access to a mission that rewards raid quality loot every couple of weeks.**Schweett!**
- Armistice Day is on the Tuesday of the release week, which is why they went with Thursday instead of Tuesday for release this time. **Better idea, weekendish release. Blizz, I am pleased.**
- The team has talked about doing an updated version of Karazhan, but it was created as a 10 player raid. There isn't space for 30 players. **I would squeal with delight!**
This has been all your amazing WoD updates and news. For continuation come back! Comments are always helpful!
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