What Is Going On!?
Ok On to the most current issue plaguing WoW right now. The DDOS by Lizard Squad. This has to be the most ANNOYING thing that has ever happened to me while playing WoW. My latency goes through the roof IF it even allows me to stay on. Now I will be honest, I was blaming Blizz there for awhile too. I wanted them to credit us some free time or heck STOP the attacks. But as I was rolling through the forums today look at this issue I came to an actual explanation of what the heck DDOS IS and WHY it's doing this to WoW. Why as in why it's affecting it this way. As far as I know, Lizard Squad hasn't actually said why they are attacking Blizz.
Here's the website but I will take an except from it if you'd like to not read the whole article.
" Think of Battle.net as Mcdonalds. For some reason this Mcdonalds does not have double doors, it only has one (this is for the sake of the example). We, the consumers, are in a single file line going into mcdonalds, getting our delicious yet deadly Big Macs, and leave wondering what it's made of. THEN, you have the DDOSers. The DDOS attacks are the equivilant of 500 of fat people cutting in line, rushing the door all at once, and ceasing us from getting service for periods of time. "
So while I'm personally offended at the idea that people cutting the line have to be fat, this is a great example. It definitely put it in perspective for me. Or if you didn't get it, here's a short one that plays off the first. Same link applies.
" If 20 people call your phone at once, you're not going to be able to make a call out. This is not the phone company's fault. They can't stop those people from calling you without making your phone line borderline useless with restrictions. "What should you do? No idea. Be patient? Don't feed the trolls? And most importantly, stop blaming Blizzard who really just isn't at fault here.
Raiding in Warlords
Yep you read this right! I wish they would kick the bucket on Raid Finder period but alas that is not to happen this Xpac. Good news though, I heard heroic dungeon gear will be the same as Raid Finder. You watch me never do ONE gosh darn Raid Finder. I'll heroic those dungeons up for days.
Anyhoo, to continue, Yes again you're probably reading that right. Glaucoma aside. Every raid aside from Mythic has a flex option meaning you can have anywhere from 10 to 25 players in the raid at any one time. The article (linked below picture) made a good point, stipulation that we, as in the WoW raiding community, rely way too much on a couple dps or one healer. If they leave, verily, your raid might fall apart. Everyone is impatient these days, no one likes to wipe, everyone thinks they're cooler than next rogue, hunter, or pally. So will this fix that? Maybe. You invite 16 people and 3 leave after one boss fight. No need to stop raid and keep searching. Set up oque, and continue on.
This also brings up a fabulous new question. With flex raiding came a kind of flex raiding attitude that I previously mentioned. This is also mentioned in the article. Will this attitude consume every level of raiding? Filling it with jerks and MVPS? Or at that same time will this allow more people to be included and invited to social communities in WoW? I guess we'll just have to see.
What was WoW NOT flexible on? Heroic. I am super bummed about it going up to 20 players. I don't really mind that they have a hard set of numbers but I wish again, that they offered 10/25. Getting 10 people to do what you needed them to do was hard enough but double that? You might as well quit now.
Though, don't be too hasty. I guess we'll just have to see how it works out. How would I rate this entire change? Probably 7/10 as raid finder is still included.
How do you feel about the new raiding? How would you rank it? Comment! Let me know how you feel!