Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Warlords of Draenor - 78 days and Counting

2 Months 15 Days
Oh Goodness! SO that's what 78 days looks like. 2 months and 15 days. It seemed like such a short time period until I actually looked it up. I'm more than kind of bummed now. Good thing Sims 4 comes out in only 6 days! I can get good and tired of it before WoD drops.
Ok. So, to keep us all in suspense until November 13th, I will be trying to give updates on all things WoW until then. Meaning you get all the knitty gritty details that someone else has released before me that I will recycle for your use. Sounds pretty chill for me huh? I thought so to.
Moving on. Remember that post about WoW memorializing Robin Williams? Well how many of you thought it was just talk. Not I, I knew Blizz had it under control.
So WoW had decided to input Robin Williams in the game as a three character rotation between a blue genie (Aladdin), a human male (from movie Mork and Mindy), and a female human with grey hair (GO MRS. DOUBTFIRE!). I think it would be fantastic for the NPC to randomly change from one form to another throughout the day. Very insightful and creative.

Very cool.
To continue. China has its own digital entertainment event every year called China Joy. It is also known for it's exceptional Blizz cosplay. Check this chick's costume out! Like the comments, it was hard for me to tell if it was her costume or the mount straight out of the game! It is actually NOT photoshopped, hence why she won. For her prize she will be flown to Blizz con this coming year where she will debut her costume a second time.
Original article ^^^
Pics or it didn't happen ^^^
I found a very interesting music piece from WoD
If you're interested in the soundtracks of the upcoming expansion, feel free to click the link or listen to the video straight from here.

I personally love the sound and can't wait to quest while listening to this.

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